The soul’s dialogue with the original source of life, the formation of a picture of the world.

Empowering Your Path to Spiritual Enlightenment

Unlock Wisdom and Insight with the book “The All”, which is available in Estonian and English. In Estonian, the book is called “Kõiksus”.

Author Veiko Huuse introduces the book in Estonian, with English subtitles.

Discover Personal and Spiritual Growth

Veiko’s unique e-book inspires profound personal and spiritual transformation
Transform Your Life Today – Start Your Journey with The All eBook!

Have you ever felt that the world we see is incomplete? That somewhere deep inside you lie answers to questions that schools and society have failed to provide? “The All” is a book that takes you on a journey of discovery beyond the boundaries of consciousness and opens the door to a new worldview.

This book contains a dialogue between Linda, a student seeking knowledge about the meaning of life and the Creator of life, and Veiko, a teacher. The conversations are simple and understandable, yet their profound depth touches all ready to open their hearts and minds. The chapters explore the true nature of the human being, the connections between life and energy, the essence of karma, and the simulations in which we live. The book delves into the roles of the soul and spirit, offering insights on breaking free from the limitations of the matrix and rediscovering a profound connection with the Source of Life.

This book guides those who wish to understand the deeper layers of life, rise to higher consciousness, and create a better living environment for themselves and others. Veiko Huuse’s knowledge and experiences allow readers to see beyond the visible and inspire them to awaken to their true essence.

Are you ready to take a transformative step and open your eyes to a new reality? This eBook serves as your invitation to awaken.

Transform Your Life Today – Start Your Journey with “The All” eBooks!

Are you ready to take a transformative step and open your consciousness to a new reality? This e-book is your wake-up call. The book is available in Estonian and English.

The book provides answers

The Nature and Purpose of the Soul and Spirit
  • What is my soul, and how does it differ from my spirit?
  • What is the purpose of my life, and how can I find it?
  • Does the soul live after death, and how?
  • How can I connect my spirit with “The All”?
  • How can I listen to and follow the voice of my soul?
Spiritual and Universal Laws
  • Do my thoughts and actions shape my life in both the physical and spiritual realms, guiding my journey toward harmony and self-discovery?
  • How can I connect with “The All” and receive guidance from the universe?
  • Does reincarnation exist, and how does it influence my current life?
  • How can I release karma and balance my past?
The Relationship Between Body and Soul
  • How does the physical body affect the soul, and vice versa?
  • How can I keep my body, soul, and spirit in balance?
  • Are illnesses connected to imbalances in the soul or spirit?
The Relationship Between the Universe and Humans
  • What is my place in the universe?
  • How does the universe influence my life, and how can I respond to it?
  • Is everything that happens random, or does “The All” have a greater plan?
  • How can I create a life that resonates with universal energy?
The Impact of Emotions and Thoughts on the Whole
  • Can my thoughts influence my physical body and soul?
  • How can I overcome fears that hold back my physical and spiritual growth?
  • How can I forgive and move forward in harmony with “The All”?
The Power of Intuition and Inner Wisdom
  • What is intuition, and how is it connected to “The All”?
  • How can I strengthen my intuition and trust my inner voice?
  • What role do archetypes play in spiritual development?
The Stages of Soul and Spirit Development
  • What are the stages of soul development, and how can I understand them?
  • How can I spiritually awaken, and what signs point to awakening?
  • What is spiritual enlightenment, and how can I achieve it?
How to Achieve Wholeness and Harmony
  • How can I integrate my body, soul, spirit, and the universe into one whole?
  • What daily habits help maintain balance with “The All”?
  • How can I achieve inner peace and live in the present moment?
The All-Kõiksus-author Veiko Huuse

Ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery?

This guide serves as a transformative tool for those seeking balance and a deeper understanding of their body, soul, spirit, and connection with “The All”.

Author’s message to the reader:

“I am not here in this world by chance. My mission is to awaken soulful people and help them rediscover their true essence – harmony with “The All”. We live in a world where boundaries and rules are designed to limit us, yet within us lie abilities meant to create something far greater and purer.

Everything we see and experience is part of a larger game – the matrix. Stepping out of it begins with our own consciousness and the choice to listen to our soul, not to fears or systems imposed by others. My journey has been filled with discoveries, challenges, and profound connections with the Source of Life. I know that humanity has the potential to live in happiness and harmony – provided we awaken and reclaim our innate powers.

I invite you not just to believe my words but to embark on a journey of self-exploration and uncover the truth within yourself. “The All” resides within each of us, patiently awaiting the courage to connect. Together, we are here to cultivate a better living environment where the soul and spirit can flourish freely. This transformation begins within—by living fully in the present, releasing fears, and embracing love as our guiding light.

I am creating a new world. If you are ready, come along.”

Veiko Huuse

Veiko Huuse - Author of the book The All
Veiko Huuse – Author of the book The All

Reader Reviews and Testimonials

“You have accomplished something truly significant. I feel that this has the potential to become a new Bible. A truth of life from a new perspective? You have taken on a vital role. But isn’t that why we live here on Earth – to seek the truth and improve life? Wishing you the best of luck!” – Ene E., retired person

“This book has completely transformed the way I see myself and the world around me. The dialogue and insights within these pages awakened something profound in me. It felt like the author guided me on a personal journey to reconnect with my true essence. Highly recommended for anyone seeking clarity and purpose in their life.”
Emily R., Spiritual Seeker

“An exceptional read! ‘The All’ delves deep into questions I’ve often asked myself but could never fully answer. The blend of wisdom, spirituality, and practical insights made this book not only inspiring but also life-changing. I feel more connected to the universe and my own purpose after reading it.”
James T., Life Coach

“I didn’t realize how disconnected I was from myself and my higher purpose until I read this book. It gently challenged my beliefs and invited me to explore my true self. ‘The All’ is a gift to anyone ready to take their spiritual journey to the next level.”
Laura M., Yoga Practitioner

“Thank you and The All for guiding and teaching me. After reading the book, I have gained an immense sense of peace, positive energy, and clarity about the workings of the system and its driving forces. It has inspired me to let go of what holds me back, embrace positivity, and focus on what serves my higher purpose. The book has filled me with new energy, a deep sense of calm, and the determination to take meaningful steps forward in life.”V. Alberg, businessman, farmer

“This book has brought unparalleled clarity to my spiritual journey. Unlike other spiritual teachings I’ve encountered, The All helped me truly understand who I am and the nature of existence. The insights are conveyed so simply and clearly, making it an invaluable daily guide for me. I’ve even printed it out and added personal notes as I go. I eagerly await the physical version. Thank you, Veiko.”Helle V., Environmental specialist

I’ve studied spiritual texts for years, but The All stands out as a beacon of truth. Its teachings resonate on a profound level, offering practical guidance for daily life and spiritual growth. It feels like a companion, guiding me to focus on what truly matters. Veiko, thank you for creating something so authentic and powerful.” – Reelika S., HR manager

“”After reading The All, I found myself reflecting deeply on my purpose and the energy I bring into my life. The wisdom in these pages feels like a friend holding up a mirror, showing me my potential and where to focus my efforts. It’s a masterpiece of simplicity and depth. I can’t thank you enough, Veiko.
Jurgen M., Entrepreneur

Eesti keeles e-raamat Kõiksus on saadaval lisaks nendes Eesti raamatupoodides

Saa tuttavaks raamatus Kõiksus oleva õpilase Lindaga. Füüsilise raamatu soov saada e kirjaga otse autorile – Veiko Huuse.

The All book. Raamat Kõiksus. Autor Veiko Huuse